Understanding the Benefits of Saline Vs. Silicone Implants
Dr. Ken Smart is an experienced plastic surgeon who can help you make informed decisions that will shape the specifics of your breast augmentation surgery. One important consideration is whether you choose saline or silicone breast implants. Dr. Smart offers both types of implants because each provides unique benefits to the right patients. To learn more about whether saline vs. silicone implants are right for you, contact our Frisco, TX, office today and schedule your consultation.

Aesthetic Differences
Both saline and silicone implants are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for breast augmentation. Saline is recommended for ages 18 and up and silicone is considered safe for patients over the age of 22.
Dr. Smart will first begin by discussing your cosmetic concerns as well as goals. Your aesthetic tastes and your unique body shape will both play a role in which type of implants you choose. For example, some patients are focused on adding a substantial amount of volume, while others are more concerned with improving the shape of their breasts.
Saline implants are more commonly recommended for patients who already have a moderate amount of breast tissue. Silicone implants typically work well for patients with a minimal amount of breast tissue, because they more closely mimic the look and feel of natural breasts. Most patients agree that silicone is a better choice for women who are interested in a very natural appearance.
Surgical Placement
Saline implants are inserted into the breasts while they are deflated, which means they can be placed using a greater variety of surgical incisions. Because saline implant's silicone shell can be tightly rolled up and inserted, then unrolled and filled, Dr. Smart can use just a small incision. This type of implant can be placed through inframammary incisions (below the breasts), periareolar incisions (circling the areolae), and transaxillary incisions (within the armpit).
Silicone implants come to Dr. Smart's office pre-filled. They cannot be compacted and require a larger incision. Silicone implants are only placed using inframammary incisions, since they cannot fit within an endoscopic tube. It is important to keep in mind that Dr. Smart uses delicate suturing techniques so that your scarring will be minimal regardless of which type of incision you select.
Risks and Safety Considerations
The risk of rupture is low but important to consider. If a saline implant ruptures, the harmless saline solution will quickly dissipate throughout the patient's body. A saline implant rupture will become noticeable almost immediately as one breast will look deflated. A leak or rupture in a silicone implant is generally more difficult to distinguish. Silicone implants require monitoring by your doctor to periodically check the implants' integrity. In the event of a rupture, both types of implants will need to be removed and replaced during revision surgery. Certain aesthetic complications can develop with both saline and silicone breast implants. Visible implant rippling is more common with saline implants, whereas capsular contracture (a buildup of scar tissue surrounding the implant) may be more common with silicone implants.
Learn More About Types of Breast Implants
Dr. Smart is nationally respected for his artistic vision and precise breast augmentation techniques, so you can expect beautiful results with whichever type of implant you choose. To learn more about the differences between saline and silicone implants, contact Dr. Ken Smart's office today.