Reshape Your Body
There are multiple surgeries that fall into the category of a body lift. Dr. Ken Smart performs all of these surgeries routinely. Body lift surgery can address any area where extra skin exists. The more common areas include the inner thighs, outer thighs, buttocks, hips, waistline, and arms. These procedures can address single areas or combinations of areas. To learn more about body contouring through a lift procedure, contact Frisco Plastic Surgery near Plano today. Dr. Smart has the expertise, experience, and artistry to give you the beautiful smooth body you desire.

What If I Have Extra Skin After a Massive Weight Loss or Bariatric Procedure?
Many of our body lift patients have undergone a massive weight loss through bariatric surgery. After losing a significant amount of weight, many patients are disappointed because they haven’t achieved the body they want. A body lift, however, will remove the extra skin left over after weight loss in order to give you the curvy, slender figure you desire.
If massive weight loss has been an issue, Dr. Smart prefers the patient's weight has stabilized. A full body lift can be a long procedure that normally requires at least one night of hospitalization. Overall, the patient should be very healthy with any chronic conditions under control. Body contouring procedures are tailored specifically to your needs. At our Plano-area office in Frisco, we can remove skin and fat to give you beautiful results. Combined with a healthy lifestyle, including proper diet and an exercise regimen, excellent results can be obtained that will improve your lifestyle and self-esteem.
How Is a Body Lift Performed?
A lower body lift combines lifting of the inner thighs, outer thighs, hips, and buttocks. It also gives some tightening to the lower abdomen. A circumferential abdominoplasty provides for lifting of the outer thigh and the buttock area in combination with removal of excess skin of the abdomen. For patients with severe excess skin of the upper arm who are not candidates for LipoSelection®, an upper arm lift is an option. This procedure removes the hanging skin and fat from the upper arm as well as tightens the deeper tissues. Other procedures, such as a breast lift, breast augmentation, or a tummy tuck may also be performed in conjunction with body contouring procedures.
Am I a Good Candidate for Body Lift Surgery?
Due to the length of some body lift procedures, it is of utmost importance that Frisco Plastic Surgery patients be in optimal physical condition. Dr. Smart will determine which body lift procedures are right for you based on your physical exam.
What Kind of Anesthesia Is Used in Body Contouring Procedures?
Body contouring using a lift procedure is performed under general anesthesia. Your anesthesia will be administered by a board certified M.D. anesthesiologist. Most are performed in the inpatient hospital with the patient requiring at least one night of hospitalization. Discharge is based on how quickly the patient recovers and is able to get around without too much assistance.
How Much Pain Will I Be in after Body Contouring Surgery?
Dr. Smart does everything to minimize postoperative pain. In most cases, he utilizes Exparel, a long acting pain medication, for his body lift procedures. Otherwise, oral pain medication is used to control pain.
What Will My Body Lift Incisions Be Like?
Incisions and scars are inevitable when dealing with excess skin. However, incisions are placed so that the scars are hidden in natural skin creases and other areas that can be concealed with clothing.
How Much Time Will I Need Off From Work after Body Contouring?
For lower body lifts, at least two weeks will be required depending on your type of work. If only the arms are involved, it will be about one week. It usually takes about six weeks before patients are feeling completely normal again. It will also be six weeks before any exercise regimen can be restarted.
What Will My Body Contouring Surgery Cost?
Unfortunately for patients who visit our office serving the Plano and Frisco area, most body contouring procedures are not covered by insurance because they're considered to be cosmetic in nature. The overall cost will be made up of a surgeon's fee, the anesthesiologist's fee, facility fee, and any overnight stays in the surgery center. Dr. Smart's patient coordinator will go over the quote with you before you leave your cosmetic consultation.
Contact Frisco Plastic Surgery, P.A. Today
If you are interested in body contouring and lift procedures, contact Frisco Plastic Surgery. We serve Plano, Allen, McKinney, and the surrounding Texas communities with beautiful plastic surgery that will improve the curvature of your body.