Frisco Plastic Surgery & MedSpa

Recovering From a Facelift

Feb 12, 2022 @ 09:42 AM — by Kenneth Smart Jr.
Tagged with: Facelift

Are you considering or have you recently undergone a facelift procedure? If so, it is essential to know information about the surgery, particularly the facelift recovery timeline and proper protocol for care after the procedure is complete. 

The recovery process following a facelift procedure takes a few weeks until the final transformative look becomes visible. Follow all instructions from your surgeon carefully during recovery to ensure the best possible results.

At Frisco Plastic Surgery & MedSpa, we serve patients in Frisco, TX, Plano, TX, and other areas of North Texas. Dr. Kenneth Smart and our team of licensed professionals provide support services before, during, and after the surgical procedure to produce stunning results.

Week 1

The first week of recovery following a facelift procedure will undoubtedly be the hardest. Make sure to give your body lots of rest in the first few days and plan in advance to have a family member or friend assist in taking care of your day-to-day routine.

Expect discomfort, swelling, and bruising, which can be relieved at-home with doctor-prescribed pain medication and ice packs. Be sure to follow all instructions from your surgeon regarding the compression garment to guarantee smooth healing.

Week 2

While you may still have bruising and swelling, your level of discomfort should significantly decrease by week two. During this week, check with your doctor to see when it is safe to begin resuming light physical activity, and be sure to attend all follow-up appointments.

Week 3

Some swelling and tightness of the skin is normal, but by week three, you should almost be ready to show off your results in public. At this stage of your facelift recovery, you may begin increasing physical activity and will likely no longer require pain medication to manage the associated discomfort.

Week 4

After four weeks, it will no longer be obvious to others that you have undergone a facelift procedure, as most signs on the face will be healed. During week four, it will likely be safe for you to resume most physical activity, though it is best to check with your doctor first.

What to Expect After 30 Days

After 30 days, you should be able to resume your everyday routine with a youthful, glowing look. While your general recovery time is over, be sure to continue to schedule follow-up appointments with your surgeon and maintain a healthy skincare regimen because your skin will still remain in the healing phases for several months.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

With seven years of surgical training, Dr. Kenneth Smart is equipped to handle even the most complex facelift procedures. If you are considering a facelift procedure or have recently undergone surgery, contact Frisco Plastic Surgery & MedSpa today for a consultation.

Call (972) 334-0400 to schedule your facelift appointment today.