Frisco Plastic Surgery & MedSpa

What’s the Best Sleeping Position after Breast Augmentation?

Apr 9, 2020 @ 08:42 AM — by Kenneth Smart Jr.
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation allows women to enhance the size and shape of their breasts. Women often undergo the cosmetic procedure to address small breasts, post-pregnancy breast sagging, asymmetry, or factors related to aging.

After breast augmentation, you will begin a recovery period. Enjoying restful sleep that does not place excessive pressure on your healing breasts is an important component of your recovery. Dr. Ken Smart serves patients in Frisco, TX, Plano, TX, and surrounding areas in North Texas; he offers this overview of best sleeping positions after breast augmentation surgery.

Sleep On Your Back

Most people have a preferred sleeping position, which could be on the stomach, side, or back. The safest sleep position while you recover from breast augmentation surgery is on your back (supine position). Patients should try to maintain this position for one month after surgery. Here are some of the known benefits of supine position.

Reduced Pressure on Your Chest

Lying on your back prevents undue pressure from being placed on your sutures and healing breast tissue. Many women find that resting on the stomach is uncomfortable if they have not adjusted to the presence of implants.

By avoiding placing extra pressure on your healing breasts, you can lower your risk of delayed healing, sore breasts, and swollen breasts.

Even Blood Flow

Elevating your upper torso can add further benefits by reducing blood pressure on your chest. Using gravity to naturally prevent fluid buildup can reduce swelling and other side effects. The ideal level of elevation is 30 to 40 degrees.

Improved Mobility

If the days after your surgery, your chest will be sore and bruised. Simple tasks like getting out of bed can become more challenging. Sleeping on your back offers the ideal body orientation for getting out of bed because there is no need to roll over. The supine position can reduce strain on your body in the morning.

Additional Tips for Maintaining the Supine Position at Night

If you find it difficult to maintain the supine position, you can alternate sleeping on your back with sleeping on your side. Many of our patients also find it helpful to place pillows on either side of them to help maintain a supine position throughout the night.

If you do not naturally sleep on your back, start adjusting in the weeks before your surgery. Adjusting to the position early can make maintaining the position easier following surgery.

Other Sleeping Tips

A good night’s sleep can promote healing and lower the risk of complications or side effects. Tips for a restful sleep include:

Schedule Your Breast Augmentation Today

A good night’s sleep can reduce your risk of post-surgery complications and side effects. Following these tips and advice for your recovery guidelines can ensure that your breasts heal with cosmetically pleasing results. To schedule your breast augmentation consultation, please contact our office online or call (972) 334-0400.