Frisco Plastic Surgery & MedSpa

Breast Augmentation for Tubular Breasts

Nov 29, 2019 @ 07:35 PM — by Kenneth Smart Jr.
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation Breast Implants Breast Enhancement

When people think of breast augmentation, they usually think of the surgery simply as a way to increase breast size. While that is certainly the case for many patients, silicone and saline implants have other uses to benefit the appearance of the bustline. If a woman has tubular breasts, for instance, getting implants can improve breast appearance significantly.

Dr. Ken Smart has received a number of questions from women in Frisco, Plano, and North Texas about getting implants to treat tubular breasts. Let’s consider some of the basics below.

What Are Tubular Breasts?

Also known and tuberous breasts and breast hypoplasia, tubular breasts refer to breasts that do not fully develop during adolescence. Rather than fully rounding out in puberty, a woman with tubular breasts will have breasts that appear conical, elongated, and not mature. Drooping and breast asymmetry are common issues associated with tubular breasts. A woman may also have nipples and areolas that appear puffy.

What Causes Tubular Breasts?

The exact cause of tubular breasts has not yet been determined. That said, researchers believe that the issue is the result of a developmental problem while a fetus is still in the womb.

How Breast Augmentation Can Help

For women with tubular breasts, getting implants placed can help them achieve the fullness and rounder shape that they do not naturally have. For women with just one affected breast, the procedure can help even out the overall size and shape of both breasts so they match.

Ultimately, breast augmentation can restore self-confidence and a sense of self. Women will no longer have to feel self-conscious about wearing certain tops, undergarments, and bathing suits. It’s a great option for improving the way you look and feel.

Good Candidates for Breast Augmentation

Good candidates for breast augmentation are women who have tuberous breasts that they would like to be rid of. Patients should be in good overall health and not suffer from any conditions that would make breast augmentation surgery a health risk.

It’s also important that patients understand all of the risks and benefits that are associated with breast augmentation surgery. This helps ensure realistic expectations and an understanding of the pre-op and recovery process.

Designing a Breast Augmentation Procedure for You

There are numerous ways to place breast implants and develop a surgical treatment plan. Some patients may want to avoid incisions made on or around their breasts, which means saline implants and hidden-incision techniques would be ideal. Other patients may prefer implants with a more natural texture and less risk of rippling, which is when silicone implants are more ideal.

Our team will work with you to ensure your breast augmentation is tailored to meet your needs. We can go over the pros and cons of various options.

The Results of Breast Augmentation

Women with tuberous breasts who undergo breast augmentation experience a high level of satisfaction regarding the procedure. The appearance of their breasts is improved, and they are generally happy about the results achieved. This means higher levels of self-esteem, and less self-consciousness about body image.

Learn More About Breast Augmentation Surgery

If you live in North Texas and would like more information about breast implants and other options for breast enhancement, contact a skilled cosmetic plastic surgeon. You can reach Frisco Plastic Surgery & MedSpa by phone at (972) 334-0400.