Frisco Plastic Surgery & MedSpa

What Is the Smartlipo Technique and am I a Candidate?

Jan 22, 2014 @ 12:13 PM — by Kenneth Smart Jr.
Tagged with: Liposuction Plastic Surgery

With all of the changes in plastic surgery over the past several years, one thing that remains consistent is people’s desire to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing body contour. Every year liposuction remains at the top of the list of the most popular plastic surgery procedures performed world-wide. That is because, despite efforts with diet and exercise, just about everyone deals with areas of the body affected by pockets of stubborn fat. Among the many body contouring procedures available at his plastic surgery practice, Dr. Ken Smart is happy to offer his Dallas patients Smartlipo Triplex™, the most advanced liposuction technique.

The Smartlipo Technique

Smartlipo Triplex™ is the latest advance in laser-assisted liposuction. Using laser energy, the Smartlipo Triplex™ procedure destroys fat cells so that they can be eliminated from the body, resulting in a more slender, toned appearance for patients. The Smartlipo technique effectively destroys fat through a procedure that is less invasive than traditional liposuction and results in a much quicker recovery period. Below are some of the main aspects that set Smartlipo Triplex™ apart from traditional liposuction:

Am I a Candidate?

Smartlipo Triplex™ is an effective body contouring treatment, however, it is not a weight loss solution. This procedure is ideal for patients who are at, or close to, their ideal weight range. Smartlipo Triplex™ is not effective in eliminating large amounts of body fat but it can effectively destroy concentrated pockets of fat from almost any area of the body. Ideal candidates for Smartlipo Triplex™ are those in good general health with realistic expectations for tightening or toning the body by treating stubborn pockets of fat in the following areas:

Schedule a Consultation

There are many cosmetic procedures available to help patients enhance their appearance and achieve the body contouring they desire. If you would like to learn more about Smartlipo Triplex™ or any of the many other treatment procedures available at our plastic surgery practice, schedule a consultation with Dr. Ken Smart at your earliest convenience. Dr. Smart looks forward to helping you enhance your natural beauty.